The Karoo is a place of enchantment. A place of endless, unbroken horizons. Where life transpires leisurely … naturally. Where people are not chased and stirred into a frenzy by the cold, calibrated clockwork of man-made time. No, here the hours of the day are measured according to the great clock of the universe. Work ends when day recedes into night. And it is the changing inflections of the desert wind that signals the changeover from one season to another, not the numbers on a calendar.
This is a vast, arid land. This is desert country. Where rain, like a spurned lover, withholds its moist kiss. And yet, despite all the odds, desert vegetation proliferates. And despite the lack of surface water it flourishes. To the extent that the Karoo is home to a remarkable botanical diversity unparalleled by any other arid region on earth.
And it is precisely this unique vegetation. This unmatched, distinctive flora that leaves its imprint on everything. From our succulent lamb, beef and venison to our baked goods, jams, preserves and olives. Our products are more than natural, unprocessed and without the slow modern poisons of preservatives. It contains a special ingredient available nowhere on earth. It’s Made in the Karoo.